Now that we are all in the midst of social isolating and hunkering down to avoid further spreading the coronavirus, you have probably wondered to yourself if your quarantine extends to the gym.
The answer is yes!
A recent study discovered that the virus can last on hard surfaces like steel or plastic for up to 72 hours and soft surfaces like cardboard for 24 hours. Since the virus is transmitted by respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes when you go to the gym, there is no way of knowing when the last time the equipment you are using was disinfected properly or if it has recently been disinfected at all. You could very well be using a barbell after an asymptomatic carrier who accidentally breathes on you while passing the equipment off. You yourself could be that asymptomatic carrier and could accidentally infect a ton of people. This is why a lot of gyms are temporarily closing along with bars, restaurants, and large events.
So, until things start to get a little less scary out there, avoiding places where lots of people have been is one of the safest and healthiest things you can for yourself and for others.
But, that’s not to say you’ll be avoiding exercising. Oh HELL no. This will not get in the way of you getting your physical activity in even if for no reason other than I simply won’t allow it. On the contrary, this could actually be an opportunity to introduce some incredibly sexy frugal work out options into your routine. And, in the interest of optimism, if you find something that you like enough, maybe you’ll even end up incorporating it into your pandemic free life and cut that fancy gym membership out altogether post quarantine.
Full Quarantine Options:
Youtube Work Out Videos: I have been a long time fan of channels like Yoga with Adrienne, POPSugar Fitness, and Fitness Blender and am relying on these staples now more than ever. I honestly did a Fitness Blender a work out last week and it left me sore for 3 days. A couple other sites that I have recently gotten into are Blogilates and Crossfit at Home.
Fitness Class Live Streaming: Some gyms right now are live steaming their fitness courses for FREE. A lot of my local gyms and studios are offering this for members and non-members alike. But, Planet Fitness is an example of a national chain that is offering a class everyday on their facebook page.
Yard Work: If you have a yard, it is the time to get it on! I am putting in several new beds in my yard to grow squash and chard this week and plan on finally tackling some pesky leaves leftover from this fall later on. In the process I’ll get some fresh air, some light physical activity, and hopefully my new vegetables will allow me to cut my grocery bill AND leave the house to buy food less.
House Work: Whether it’s Lizzo or The Grateful Dead, go pick your favorite dance music, pump it the hell up, and have a dance party while you make your home a more beautiful and clean place to live.
If You Can Leave The House:
Walking/Jogging: If your health and geography permit leaving the house and you live somewhere where you can do this without coming within 6 feet of contact within someone else, you should still be able to go on walks. I routinely go on several walks a day and currently feel comfortable continuing this for now. In fact, I took the featured image for this post on my walk yesterday.
Hiking: Ditto the recommendations above. If you sanitize frequently, wear a mask, touch nothing, and can get to a trail without coming within 6 feet of other humans, this could be a nice way to stretch your legs.
Stairs: Run stairs if you live in an urban center in a high rise. Most people tend to use the elevator so the stairs are going to have come into contact with fewer people. Sanitize and don mask as appropriate.
Getting some exercise will help with both your physical and mental health during these crazy times and will keep your immune system in better condition. Release those endorphins, get your heart rate up, your let the dopamine and serotonin flow, and don’t let this virus take more of your life from you than it has to. In the digital age there are so many options out there for working out at home you should be able to get your sweat on even if you didn’t already have a home gym and tailored regimen.
Are there any fitness channels you use that I didn’t mention? Let me know your tips and how your work out routine has been holding up! We’re all in this together right now and we will make it through one way
Cool Blog, Hippe Finance! Indeed exercise is very important, especially to deal with stress in these times. This is a great list of exercise options. I am definitely a fan of long walks, and I also want to start doing more pushups/crunches at home. Thanks for sharing!